Welcome to the 28th annual installment of Jeff's March Madness Contest. This is a free, just-for-fun trournament "pick 'em" contest with a unique scoring system unlike any other on the net. Browse the site to find out more, and then join the fun!
There is never any charge to enter the contest, but maintaining the web site and running the contest still costs money. If you would like to contribute to help defray the costs, you can do so via the GoFundMe campaign.
Can't wait for the next edition of my contest commentary to arrive in your inbox or on the blog? Get your madness in real time by following me on Twitter. In addition to the usual periodic commentary, I am going to attempt to tweet my musings and observations as they happen. I'll use the hashtag #JeffsMarchMadness.
"I often tell friends that I'd trade two or three of my NCAA coaching championships for one Indiana high school championship. That's how much it meant to me."
- The Wizard of Westwood, John Wooden
Click here if you want to receive the contest commentary via email.
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