Rank |
Previous |
Contestant |
Score |
Win/Loss % |
1 |
6 |
David "Pick the mascot" Ricks |
196 |
0.667 |
2 |
7 |
Sam "Why Not Wolverine" Randazzo |
192 |
0.651 |
3 |
9 |
Shane "Ole, Lena, and" Svenpladsen |
191 |
0.619 |
4 |
12 |
Brian "Mooch Madness" Gaffney |
184 |
0.667 |
5 |
1 |
Colman "pass the mustard" Goodwin |
180 |
0.524 |
6 |
2 |
Kristen "Ohio Who?" Perkins |
177 |
0.619 |
7 |
3 |
Skid Booles |
175 |
0.603 |
8 |
4 |
The Ammonite |
174 |
0.635 |
9 |
19 |
Jonathan "Going for Ninth Place" Hand |
172 |
0.698 |
10 |
5 |
Doug Brown |
171 |
0.587 |
11 |
21 |
Butchy |
170 |
0.651 |
12 |
28 |
TheBacketKing |
164 |
0.683 |
13 |
8 |
Todd "hAir Ball" Gross |
160 |
0.619 |
14 |
36 |
Doug "It would take a miracle" Goodwin |
159 |
0.540 |
15 |
39 |
Trevis "Absalom, Solomon: I hate you." Litherland |
159 |
0.460 |
16 |
40 |
Ken Schmidt |
158 |
0.683 |
17 |
41 |
Traci "Wayne's World" Murray |
158 |
0.667 |
18 |
10 |
Caroline "Beating The Pants Off Anthony Randazzo" Modarressy-Tehrani |
155 |
0.524 |
19 |
47 |
Chas "Inappropriate Indian Mascot" Harper |
154 |
0.714 |
20 |
11 |
Nathan "Coach Strat" Stratton |
153 |
0.683 |
21 |
52 |
Betania " UofL " Wentworth |
153 |
0.667 |
22 |
54 |
Gavin "The HAND that will beat dad & sis in 13'" Hand |
152 |
0.587 |
23 |
57 |
Allen "Fire and Blood" Davidson |
151 |
0.603 |
24 |
37 |
Campbell "I pack a nasty punch. Check my diaper" Inskeep |
151 |
0.508 |
25 |
42 |
Braxton "I'm 2 and Don't like UK" Wentworth |
150 |
0.651 |
26 |
13 |
David Bokerman |
150 |
0.508 |
27 |
14 |
Anthony "Sufficiently Pantsless & Title Deprived" Randazzo |
149 |
0.587 |
28 |
15 |
Skokie Squirrels |
148 |
0.651 |
29 |
44 |
Ben Watkins |
148 |
0.508 |
30 |
64 |
Patrick Donahue |
147 |
0.540 |
31 |
66 |
charles parrish |
146 |
0.667 |
32 |
16 |
John "JWW" Wilcox |
146 |
0.619 |
33 |
69 |
Andy "Bringin' the Pane" Glassley |
145 |
0.714 |
34 |
73 |
Connor Gillig |
145 |
0.587 |
35 |
17 |
Chelsea "Punkin Doodle" Goodwin |
145 |
0.365 |
36 |
53 |
Brenda Shepherd |
144 |
0.635 |
37 |
78 |
Fess Bryson |
144 |
0.571 |
38 |
79 |
Jane Gomez |
143 |
0.683 |
39 |
18 |
Vincent "I <3 Tom Izzo" Randazzo |
142 |
0.683 |
40 |
85 |
Bob "Sting like a butterfly Punch like a flea" Johnson |
142 |
0.683 |
41 |
88 |
Evan "What is a shocker?" Gidley |
142 |
0.603 |
42 |
94 |
Jason Dailey |
141 |
0.651 |
43 |
95 |
Mark "Watford's Beard" O'Maley |
141 |
0.571 |
44 |
96 |
Chris Shelton |
141 |
0.571 |
45 |
98 |
Phillip "Boilermaker till the End" Huneck |
140 |
0.603 |
46 |
100 |
Rick Kramer |
140 |
0.556 |
47 |
101 |
BballWidow |
140 |
0.540 |
48 |
20 |
Tyler Drone |
140 |
0.460 |
49 |
103 |
Alicia Davis |
139 |
0.683 |
50 |
104 |
Ryan "ABI - Anyone But Indiana" Sawrie |
139 |
0.667 |
51 |
106 |
Aaron's Uncle. Go Bucks! |
139 |
0.587 |
52 |
112 |
David "KwikaAlena" Ayres |
138 |
0.603 |
53 |
22 |
Cassie09 |
138 |
0.508 |
54 |
115 |
Randy Phillips |
137 |
0.635 |
55 |
117 |
Justin "Lowest score wins right?" Roberts |
137 |
0.603 |
56 |
77 |
Philip "OUCHGettinBeatByMyBr-oANDHis4YearOldTwins" Goodwin |
136 |
0.635 |
57 |
122 |
Gregory "Groce Abuse of Power" Harman |
136 |
0.603 |
58 |
23 |
Hong Kong Hiker |
136 |
0.587 |
59 |
T125 |
Lesley FitzSimons |
135 |
0.619 |
60 |
24 |
TashyV |
135 |
0.587 |
61 |
83 |
Liana Wilson |
135 |
0.556 |
62 |
25 |
Kyle Gratz |
134 |
0.635 |
63 |
130 |
David "Ithinktobyshouldbrin-gbackthegingermullet" Brush |
134 |
0.635 |
64 |
132 |
Ethan "Book 'em Danno" Morgan |
134 |
0.603 |
65 |
26 |
tammy stewart |
134 |
0.508 |
66 |
27 |
Jim "I've been waiting for 20 years" Davis |
133 |
0.651 |
67 |
141 |
fr3dd |
133 |
0.587 |
68 |
152 |
Louisville is Better |
132 |
0.587 |
69 |
29 |
Josh "The punisher" Paddack |
131 |
0.651 |
70 |
158 |
Nathan Gidley |
131 |
0.556 |
71 |
30 |
Leon "Trashcan Airball" Sinoff |
131 |
0.508 |
72 |
166 |
wazzuspike |
130 |
0.619 |
73 |
167 |
Sue "Two Knees" Chmura |
130 |
0.619 |
74 |
168 |
Steven "A tale of two bracket halves" Fifield |
130 |
0.619 |
75 |
170 |
deek |
130 |
0.603 |
76 |
31 |
Robb "Un-Coachable" Boswell |
130 |
0.603 |
77 |
173 |
BenVT |
130 |
0.587 |
78 |
174 |
Aidan "uncle drew" Gillig |
130 |
0.587 |
79 |
177 |
Tony Heard |
129 |
0.651 |
80 |
178 |
Steven Clair |
129 |
0.651 |
81 |
32 |
Chris "Francis Rocks!" Deaver |
129 |
0.603 |
82 |
33 |
Anna "One, Anna Two..." Deaver |
129 |
0.540 |
83 |
188 |
Rob "My 7 yr old daughter is beating me isn't" Fair |
128 |
0.571 |
84 |
34 |
Derek "Sweep The Leg" Britt |
128 |
0.460 |
85 |
T192 |
Lindsay Rubach |
127 |
0.619 |
86 |
195 |
Mark "LesMiserablesPicks" Wynn |
127 |
0.603 |
87 |
196 |
Brian Gabel |
127 |
0.603 |
88 |
197 |
Kirk "Captain of MEF" Daniels |
127 |
0.587 |
89 |
35 |
Andrew "Hope My 'Noles Forgive Me" Bolin |
127 |
0.524 |
90 |
38 |
The Madness Scientist (BOO) |
127 |
0.476 |
91 |
205 |
Randy "Tarantula King" Koran |
126 |
0.619 |
92 |
208 |
Lewis "lego Man" Schafer |
126 |
0.587 |
93 |
43 |
Drew "Count Drewcula" Detamore |
126 |
0.524 |
94 |
214 |
r "man behind the camera" harper |
125 |
0.603 |
95 |
215 |
The Grey Menace |
125 |
0.603 |
96 |
216 |
When in doubt, ask the voices in my head |
125 |
0.603 |
97 |
142 |
Jenzo |
125 |
0.587 |
98 |
218 |
Tricia "Tj King" King |
125 |
0.587 |
99 |
224 |
Ron Hoofard |
124 |
0.635 |
100 |
227 |
Nick "Wait For It..." Pummell |
124 |
0.571 |
101 |
229 |
Julie Vandre |
123 |
0.651 |
102 |
230 |
Jeff "My picks are like my Wildcats" Davis |
123 |
0.635 |
103 |
236 |
Katasha Roberts |
123 |
0.603 |
104 |
238 |
Ralph "Overrated" Forey |
123 |
0.587 |
105 |
45 |
Janae "My Brother is OBSESSED with IU" Dailey |
123 |
0.571 |
106 |
46 |
Anon "IDontWanTheGovernmen-t2knowMyPicksMan" Emus |
123 |
0.413 |
107 |
48 |
Shane "ORANGE you glad you didn't pick IU?" Rose |
122 |
0.635 |
108 |
T248 |
Dennis "HelloFinal4" Helke |
122 |
0.619 |
109 |
250 |
Steven "Lec Zorn" McAtee |
122 |
0.619 |
110 |
49 |
Joel Paine |
122 |
0.587 |
111 |
50 |
Joseph "Big Daddy Hoosier" Jenkins |
121 |
0.698 |
112 |
51 |
Wendy "Lonely up here without the Cooper boys" Cooper |
121 |
0.651 |
T113 |
T264 |
Bray "Braysimo" Snyder |
121 |
0.603 |
T113 |
T264 |
Jared "I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing" Crabtree |
121 |
0.603 |
115 |
269 |
Jason "Called it" Roehl |
121 |
0.556 |
116 |
270 |
Chad Bowen |
121 |
0.556 |
117 |
271 |
Will Howlet |
121 |
0.524 |
118 |
280 |
Terry Busic |
120 |
0.571 |
119 |
281 |
Tracy Sines |
120 |
0.556 |
120 |
55 |
Darren "Glad I didn't buy Indy Regional Tickets" Renier |
119 |
0.667 |
121 |
56 |
Adam "I got bronchitis" Lamb |
119 |
0.619 |
122 |
58 |
Justin "Credible" Wentworth |
119 |
0.587 |
123 |
292 |
Heather "Metaphors be with you" Hearne |
119 |
0.587 |
124 |
59 |
Dana Kinney |
119 |
0.571 |
125 |
308 |
Chuck "Big Dog" Meurer |
118 |
0.587 |
126 |
60 |
Ethan Ables |
118 |
0.524 |
127 |
316 |
Tim Davis |
117 |
0.619 |
128 |
61 |
Kasiah Hand |
117 |
0.381 |
129 |
62 |
Marc Ramirez |
116 |
0.635 |
130 |
63 |
Kyle Bruner |
116 |
0.619 |
131 |
T330 |
Dylan "Hollywood" Scheumann |
116 |
0.603 |
132 |
333 |
Eric "Glass" Grover |
116 |
0.587 |
133 |
336 |
Matt "Clockwork" Wailes |
116 |
0.571 |
134 |
344 |
Ted "Wasted Away Again in Bracketville" Jacquay |
115 |
0.587 |
135 |
348 |
Amy Klinker |
115 |
0.540 |
136 |
65 |
Stephen "Oops! I Should Have Picked..." Pomeroy |
114 |
0.683 |
137 |
67 |
Bollinger |
114 |
0.635 |
138 |
244 |
Gene Pollastro |
114 |
0.635 |
139 |
68 |
Dejan "Dan the Man" Davis |
114 |
0.571 |
140 |
358 |
Eric "Erster" Shelton |
114 |
0.540 |
141 |
359 |
Dan "Here Comes The Boom" Gillig |
114 |
0.540 |
142 |
70 |
RU4IU2 |
113 |
0.635 |
T143 |
T71 |
jamie shannon |
113 |
0.619 |
T143 |
T71 |
Dustin "He's on Fire!" Van Sloten |
113 |
0.619 |
145 |
366 |
BethAnn "Fashion Girl" Fairchild |
113 |
0.603 |
146 |
74 |
Lilly "I'm cheering for the underdog" Richardson |
113 |
0.556 |
147 |
368 |
Sam Lopez |
113 |
0.556 |
148 |
75 |
Sarah "Bring It ON" Leap |
113 |
0.540 |
149 |
369 |
Anna Gschwind |
113 |
0.540 |
150 |
372 |
clrayles |
113 |
0.524 |
151 |
76 |
Ellen Kozisek |
112 |
0.651 |
152 |
378 |
Tina "Ima smilin" Pressnall |
112 |
0.587 |
153 |
385 |
Thomas Albright |
112 |
0.540 |
154 |
386 |
Bassnyourface!!JDH |
112 |
0.540 |
155 |
80 |
Amber "thebomb.com" Little |
111 |
0.635 |
156 |
81 |
RealHoosier |
111 |
0.603 |
157 |
293 |
Bienvenidos a Miami |
111 |
0.587 |
158 |
395 |
Ben "CAT-LESS tourney's R No Fun 4 me" McCann |
111 |
0.587 |
159 |
396 |
David "Dagaff" Gaffney |
111 |
0.571 |
160 |
398 |
Jessica Thomas |
111 |
0.571 |
161 |
82 |
Rich 'my bracket is toast' Elliott |
111 |
0.556 |
162 |
403 |
Thom "Thumb" Albright |
111 |
0.508 |
163 |
84 |
Jim Swank |
110 |
0.683 |
T164 |
T86 |
BBlakerstyle |
110 |
0.603 |
T164 |
T86 |
David "Go Gene Hackman & Dennis Hopper!!!" Allender |
110 |
0.603 |
166 |
306 |
M Dawg |
110 |
0.587 |
167 |
89 |
Kevin Wehner |
110 |
0.571 |
168 |
90 |
John "Check out my bracket... [ I WIN!" Lederman |
110 |
0.571 |
169 |
91 |
Jordyn "Big Sister" Glassley |
110 |
0.556 |
170 |
92 |
Brock "Cody Zeller's doppleganger " Zagel |
110 |
0.540 |
171 |
93 |
It'sbettertobefastthanb-ittenbyawerewolf |
110 |
0.524 |
172 |
419 |
pat gillig |
109 |
0.587 |
173 |
426 |
Jason "Mac" Snyder |
109 |
0.492 |
174 |
326 |
Moocher |
108 |
0.635 |
175 |
97 |
Heather DiIulio |
108 |
0.603 |
176 |
99 |
Cody "116" Likens |
108 |
0.540 |
177 |
102 |
Go Upsets |
108 |
0.254 |
178 |
105 |
Faith Patocs |
107 |
0.603 |
179 |
107 |
Nathan "No more Shakas!" Inskeep |
107 |
0.571 |
180 |
445 |
Jamie Kirtley |
107 |
0.556 |
181 |
108 |
Emma "Some Bunny's honey" Dean |
107 |
0.540 |
182 |
109 |
Brian "I hope my picks don't flounder!" Trout |
107 |
0.540 |
183 |
110 |
Spencer "Stole the Bracket Answer Key" Hofer |
106 |
0.635 |
184 |
111 |
The Wizard Of Whiteland |
106 |
0.619 |
185 |
113 |
Andy Inskeep |
106 |
0.587 |
186 |
357 |
Mike Snodgrass |
106 |
0.587 |
187 |
461 |
Brenda Anderson |
106 |
0.524 |
188 |
462 |
Kerris "Better Luck This Time Irish" Wright Jr |
106 |
0.508 |
189 |
114 |
Reid "The Prodigy" Labbato |
105 |
0.635 |
190 |
116 |
bmwcreancrimson |
105 |
0.603 |
191 |
118 |
Laura "aka Mema" Ramirez |
105 |
0.587 |
192 |
119 |
Madeline "I mustache you a question?" Muschalik |
105 |
0.571 |
193 |
370 |
Remmy "monster March madness" Davidson |
105 |
0.540 |
194 |
120 |
Stephen Borkowski |
105 |
0.508 |
195 |
469 |
Scott "Lexington Has Fallen" Moore |
105 |
0.508 |
196 |
473 |
redsafe |
105 |
0.460 |
197 |
121 |
Paul "Last Place Is The New First Place" Sopke |
105 |
0.222 |
198 |
487 |
Patrick Booher |
104 |
0.460 |
199 |
123 |
Elianna "I like the wildcats!" Regan |
104 |
0.397 |
200 |
124 |
John Clark |
103 |
0.651 |
201 |
T125 |
Mike "I've Never Lost to Jeff in Axis & Allies" White |
103 |
0.603 |
202 |
393 |
Chris "Blake Dieringer will never win this" Jones |
103 |
0.587 |
203 |
127 |
Daniel Wirgau |
103 |
0.571 |
204 |
128 |
sam "Sammy" hadley |
102 |
0.667 |
205 |
129 |
Eric "Cry me a Wisky River" Thomas |
102 |
0.635 |
206 |
131 |
Andrea "wizardess of whiteland" Little |
102 |
0.603 |
207 |
133 |
Gil |
102 |
0.571 |
208 |
503 |
Jodi |
102 |
0.540 |
209 |
134 |
katieperry |
102 |
0.524 |
210 |
135 |
Caroline "Rawr-N-Stuff" Fairchild |
102 |
0.429 |
211 |
136 |
Cayden "GONNA MISS MY HOOSIERS" Bauschek |
101 |
0.667 |
212 |
137 |
William "The Candyman" Harper |
101 |
0.635 |
213 |
138 |
Pampero Furpo |
101 |
0.619 |
214 |
139 |
Jamie "the sequester forces accuracy cuts" Prime |
101 |
0.603 |
215 |
140 |
Kim "You're grounded!" Harper |
101 |
0.571 |
216 |
143 |
Loving IU and Yogi too! |
101 |
0.556 |
217 |
144 |
Corryne "Elf Princess" Fairchild |
101 |
0.429 |
218 |
145 |
caroline "caroline loves justin bieber" hadley |
100 |
0.667 |
219 |
146 |
Zach Miller |
100 |
0.619 |
220 |
147 |
Daniel Morales |
100 |
0.619 |
221 |
148 |
Matthew "MattyManMyers33" Myers |
100 |
0.619 |
222 |
149 |
Ronald Marshall |
100 |
0.619 |
223 |
150 |
100 |
0.603 |
224 |
151 |
Grant McCleary |
100 |
0.587 |
225 |
153 |
Brittney "Pink Princess 2013" Siller |
100 |
0.556 |
226 |
154 |
Maura Gillig |
100 |
0.476 |
227 |
155 |
Jeffrey "No Half Measures" Beard |
99 |
0.667 |
228 |
156 |
Chris "The Wizard of Pittsburgh" Wright |
99 |
0.603 |
229 |
157 |
Jackie "Running Man" Miller |
99 |
0.587 |
230 |
159 |
Cameron "Camo " Gaffney |
99 |
0.540 |
231 |
160 |
Sarah "The HAND that finished 3rd in 2006" Hand |
99 |
0.429 |
232 |
161 |
Ray Eakins |
98 |
0.635 |
233 |
162 |
Ted "I love this game" Badgley |
98 |
0.635 |
234 |
163 |
Rita "mother of kid in candy stripes" Dieringer |
98 |
0.635 |
235 |
164 |
98 |
0.635 |
236 |
165 |
Joshua "where did all my money go, oh yeah" Marshall |
98 |
0.619 |
237 |
169 |
Dre |
98 |
0.587 |
238 |
171 |
Justin "The Bracket Buster" Dailey |
98 |
0.587 |
239 |
172 |
Chad "Cooler than Jimmy Ryan" Freije |
98 |
0.571 |
240 |
175 |
Greg "Baracketology: Guaranteed 2B 47% correct" Hensley |
98 |
0.524 |
241 |
176 |
Rebecca "Fluffy" Harper |
98 |
0.460 |
242 |
179 |
Bruce Richardson |
97 |
0.619 |
243 |
180 |
Patrick Westerfeld |
97 |
0.587 |
244 |
181 |
HelenaBW |
97 |
0.540 |
245 |
182 |
Javen "The Whiniest " Wynn |
97 |
0.476 |
246 |
183 |
GGCharlson |
96 |
0.667 |
247 |
184 |
Chris "1dayroofing.com" Johnson |
96 |
0.603 |
248 |
185 |
George "Laura did my picks" Lockett |
96 |
0.603 |
249 |
186 |
Joanna "All bout some bidness" Labbato |
96 |
0.556 |
250 |
187 |
Graham "the cracker" Little |
96 |
0.556 |
251 |
189 |
Denise Rodgers |
96 |
0.524 |
252 |
190 |
Maria 'I'm Beating All 6 Bros' Randazzo |
96 |
0.476 |
253 |
191 |
James "I can't spell my first name" Wells |
95 |
0.635 |
254 |
T192 |
Bracket Rocker! |
95 |
0.603 |
255 |
194 |
Bob Fairchild |
95 |
0.587 |
256 |
198 |
Pablo Morales |
95 |
0.571 |
257 |
199 |
Isen "Fatty Bulger" Schafer |
95 |
0.524 |
258 |
200 |
Theta Wellwood |
95 |
0.460 |
259 |
201 |
Tyler Rubach |
94 |
0.619 |
260 |
202 |
Kelly "HoosierMama" Renier |
94 |
0.619 |
261 |
203 |
Gary "Live Free or Die" DeLong |
94 |
0.603 |
262 |
204 |
Beat Toby Risner! |
94 |
0.603 |
263 |
206 |
Jordan Britt |
94 |
0.587 |
264 |
207 |
Chris basketball is life henry |
94 |
0.571 |
265 |
209 |
Tom Gidley |
94 |
0.571 |
266 |
210 |
Delsi "fast don't lie" Fraser |
94 |
0.492 |
267 |
211 |
Margaret "mustache" Dean |
94 |
0.302 |
268 |
212 |
Kim Still |
93 |
0.619 |
269 |
213 |
Matt Ratliff |
93 |
0.603 |
270 |
217 |
James "Shoots his freethrows lefthanded" Badgley |
93 |
0.571 |
271 |
219 |
Julie Harman |
93 |
0.571 |
272 |
220 |
Marvin Foster |
93 |
0.571 |
273 |
221 |
Ramona Lisa "We DO have TVs & teeth in Mississippi" Wicht |
93 |
0.556 |
274 |
222 |
Lazarus "Duck Dynasty" Neely |
93 |
0.524 |
275 |
223 |
Pete "Go Big Ten" Klinker |
93 |
0.508 |
276 |
225 |
Braden Hainen |
92 |
0.571 |
277 |
226 |
Mark Humphrey |
92 |
0.556 |
278 |
228 |
99cents |
92 |
0.524 |
279 |
231 |
OSU Fan |
91 |
0.603 |
280 |
232 |
Garrett Thomas |
91 |
0.603 |
281 |
233 |
Jordan "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" Lamb |
91 |
0.603 |
282 |
234 |
Mason Storm |
91 |
0.587 |
283 |
235 |
Joel "Brutus Buckeye" Groman |
91 |
0.587 |
284 |
237 |
Rob "Going for # 6" Barta |
91 |
0.571 |
285 |
239 |
Paul Boswell |
91 |
0.556 |
286 |
240 |
Josh "Hoosiers <3 Orange 'Cuse for Breakfast" Pearman |
91 |
0.540 |
287 |
241 |
The Walking Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid |
91 |
0.381 |
288 |
242 |
Conundrum |
90 |
0.619 |
289 |
243 |
Daniel "HCBS Fan" Wong |
90 |
0.619 |
290 |
245 |
Chad Wright |
90 |
0.603 |
291 |
246 |
Dennis "Keep Calm & Don't Blink" Livingston |
90 |
0.603 |
292 |
247 |
Jen Bringing the MOJO Carlson |
90 |
0.603 |
293 |
T248 |
Mark "MWE5398" Ehly |
90 |
0.603 |
294 |
251 |
Raq154 |
90 |
0.603 |
295 |
252 |
Mark Pate |
90 |
0.603 |
296 |
253 |
Jeanne "HoneyDue" Helke |
90 |
0.587 |
297 |
254 |
Kathy Thomas |
90 |
0.571 |
298 |
255 |
B. Kate "The BEAST" Labbato |
90 |
0.556 |
299 |
256 |
Tom "Better Luck Next Year" Bruner |
90 |
0.540 |
300 |
257 |
Jan "Wild guess" Schweizer |
90 |
0.540 |
301 |
258 |
Connie " Mom of March Madness Addicts" Randazzo |
90 |
0.508 |
302 |
259 |
Greg "Cougar in a duck and beaver pond" Schweizer |
90 |
0.492 |
303 |
260 |
Talon Fairbrain |
90 |
0.397 |
304 |
261 |
Spencer Brown |
90 |
0.381 |
305 |
262 |
Linda Ralston |
89 |
0.619 |
306 |
263 |
Mrs. Aaron Craft |
89 |
0.587 |
307 |
266 |
Jacob "Skylander Master" Deaver |
89 |
0.571 |
308 |
267 |
Vanessa Sopke |
89 |
0.540 |
309 |
268 |
Kristin "TOUCHDOOOOOOWN!!!!!!" Bidwell |
89 |
0.540 |
310 |
272 |
zack keyes |
89 |
0.492 |
311 |
273 |
Kip "Even if I lose, I still live in Hawaii" Layman |
88 |
0.619 |
312 |
274 |
Nathan Haffner |
88 |
0.619 |
313 |
275 |
Stephanie "I'M LOVIN THE MADNESS" Shannon |
88 |
0.603 |
314 |
276 |
Tyler "-Xavier doesn't deserve the Tourny-" Breidenbach |
88 |
0.571 |
315 |
277 |
Jeremy Elmore |
88 |
0.556 |
316 |
278 |
anabanana |
88 |
0.556 |
317 |
279 |
Kory "The Walking Dead" Wilcoxson |
88 |
0.556 |
318 |
282 |
Get it in the hole |
88 |
0.540 |
319 |
283 |
Jim Heffner |
88 |
0.524 |
320 |
284 |
Mark Vandre |
88 |
0.508 |
321 |
285 |
Fran Bell |
87 |
0.651 |
322 |
286 |
Philip "My Cup with the B1G" Randazzo |
87 |
0.635 |
323 |
287 |
Jordan "Just guessing" Risner |
87 |
0.635 |
324 |
288 |
Robert "Oh The Humanity!" Pixley |
87 |
0.603 |
325 |
289 |
Keshia "Miss Kay" Southern |
87 |
0.603 |
326 |
290 |
Kassy Morales |
87 |
0.571 |
327 |
291 |
Jacob Stephenson |
87 |
0.571 |
T328 |
T294 |
Rick Mohler |
87 |
0.556 |
T328 |
T294 |
Jay Grueneberg |
87 |
0.556 |
330 |
296 |
Jeffery Cardwell |
87 |
0.556 |
331 |
297 |
Emma "Second Child Rules" Fair |
87 |
0.460 |
332 |
298 |
Gibsony Gibson |
87 |
0.429 |
333 |
299 |
Michael Brown |
86 |
0.603 |
334 |
300 |
Wolverine |
86 |
0.603 |
335 |
301 |
Erica "Ain't nobody got time fo dat!" Gallmeyer |
86 |
0.587 |
336 |
302 |
Frank "you gotta be kidding me" Williams |
86 |
0.587 |
337 |
303 |
Patty "Eternal Optimist" Brown |
86 |
0.587 |
T338 |
T304 |
Andrew Ables |
86 |
0.587 |
T338 |
T304 |
Larry Brown |
86 |
0.587 |
340 |
307 |
Mike "I'm Your Huckleberry" Regina |
86 |
0.571 |
341 |
309 |
indianafirst |
86 |
0.556 |
342 |
310 |
Starman1500 |
86 |
0.524 |
343 |
311 |
Ashlyn "Green Lover" Little |
86 |
0.524 |
344 |
312 |
Richard "Now where's my lucky 16 sided dice" Goodwin |
86 |
0.365 |
345 |
313 |
A crucible of informative mistakes |
85 |
0.619 |
346 |
314 |
Nathan "ND'sChancesAreAsRealAsM-antiTe'o'sGF" Richards |
85 |
0.619 |
347 |
315 |
Tim "I get Crimson Fever, Everytime I see 'em" Daugherty |
85 |
0.603 |
348 |
317 |
Elliott Murray |
85 |
0.587 |
T349 |
T318 |
Roy Stickney |
85 |
0.587 |
T349 |
T318 |
Isaac "Isaac couch" Couch |
85 |
0.587 |
351 |
320 |
JBird |
85 |
0.571 |
352 |
321 |
awesome at this |
85 |
0.540 |
353 |
322 |
Max "Phil Robertson" Southern |
85 |
0.524 |
354 |
323 |
Jason "Domo Arigato Mr. Avocado Roll" Cooper |
85 |
0.524 |
355 |
324 |
Marco Randazzo |
85 |
0.460 |
356 |
325 |
Gabriel "where'd my guppy go?" Geistwhite |
85 |
0.222 |
357 |
327 |
tony caraway |
84 |
0.619 |
358 |
328 |
Vickie Poling |
84 |
0.603 |
359 |
329 |
84 |
0.587 |
360 |
T330 |
Sydney "Oliver" Snyder |
84 |
0.587 |
361 |
332 |
Andrea "Bueller? Bueller? " Bauschek |
84 |
0.571 |
362 |
334 |
Blake "G is for Gonzaga" Dieringer |
84 |
0.571 |
363 |
335 |
Holly Booher |
84 |
0.556 |
364 |
337 |
Jan Quivey |
84 |
0.540 |
365 |
338 |
Billy Riley |
84 |
0.540 |
366 |
339 |
Scott "Like a Broken Clock" Booher |
84 |
0.508 |
367 |
340 |
lukebballin |
83 |
0.603 |
368 |
341 |
Tooth fixer |
83 |
0.587 |
369 |
342 |
Jim "gonnatagazaga" Cockrum |
83 |
0.587 |
370 |
343 |
Jason Glassley |
83 |
0.571 |
371 |
345 |
Tyson "BOOM!!!" Glassley |
83 |
0.556 |
372 |
346 |
Tim Glassley |
83 |
0.540 |
373 |
347 |
Jim Peelman |
83 |
0.524 |
374 |
349 |
Scott "Constance Noring" Whitlow |
83 |
0.508 |
375 |
350 |
Sam Glassley |
82 |
0.603 |
376 |
351 |
Chris (dad) "Sparty Be SAD :-(" Randazzo |
82 |
0.603 |
377 |
352 |
Jerry Netherlain |
82 |
0.603 |
378 |
353 |
Scoobydoo |
82 |
0.587 |
379 |
354 |
Bill "Bill_B" Buttlar |
82 |
0.587 |
380 |
355 |
Dan Harper |
82 |
0.571 |
381 |
356 |
Scott Renier |
82 |
0.571 |
382 |
360 |
Jamie Wise |
82 |
0.508 |
383 |
361 |
emma moritz |
82 |
0.413 |
384 |
362 |
Owey "In the red" Johnson |
82 |
0.270 |
385 |
363 |
Chloe Zittle |
81 |
0.603 |
386 |
364 |
Ranman |
81 |
0.587 |
387 |
365 |
Steve "KeysDisease" Williams |
81 |
0.587 |
388 |
367 |
Spencer "I'mGoingToCryMyselfToS-leepIfIULoses" Teach |
81 |
0.556 |
389 |
371 |
bradley "I've got moves like badger" geistwhite |
81 |
0.508 |
390 |
373 |
Billy Brundage |
81 |
0.492 |
391 |
374 |
Trey "Orlando Swag" Lewis |
81 |
0.349 |
392 |
375 |
Brandon Lane |
80 |
0.603 |
393 |
376 |
Groovy Goat |
80 |
0.587 |
394 |
377 |
Todd Hochstetler |
80 |
0.587 |
395 |
379 |
James "Alias" Han |
80 |
0.556 |
396 |
380 |
Tim "The Tool" Mandara |
80 |
0.556 |
397 |
381 |
Chris "Just for pun" Randazzo |
80 |
0.540 |
398 |
382 |
KJ Afterkirk |
80 |
0.540 |
399 |
383 |
Brian "I got the Vander Blues" Gerlach |
80 |
0.540 |
400 |
384 |
d85jones |
80 |
0.540 |
401 |
387 |
jordan lane |
80 |
0.508 |
402 |
388 |
Jeff Cardwell |
80 |
0.476 |
403 |
389 |
Rebecca "PrettyJerseyPicker" Davis |
80 |
0.444 |
404 |
390 |
Adam "Bishop" Detamore |
79 |
0.587 |
405 |
391 |
abraham Hadley |
79 |
0.587 |
406 |
392 |
Sara Cardwell |
79 |
0.587 |
407 |
394 |
Tom Ziegler |
79 |
0.571 |
408 |
397 |
Rick Peterson |
79 |
0.556 |
409 |
399 |
Chuck "'Older' dipo" Sage |
79 |
0.540 |
410 |
400 |
Nancy "Punk" Spyksma |
79 |
0.540 |
411 |
401 |
Bryson "Any-Tizers" Davis |
79 |
0.508 |
412 |
402 |
Wayne "Big red machine" Murray |
79 |
0.492 |
413 |
404 |
Ben Adams |
78 |
0.587 |
414 |
405 |
78 |
0.571 |
415 |
406 |
Lanx |
78 |
0.556 |
416 |
407 |
Johnny McCleary |
78 |
0.556 |
417 |
408 |
Dan "Where is a Kopp when you need one?" Kopp |
78 |
0.556 |
418 |
409 |
Veronica "lovin' my hoosiers" Ramirez |
78 |
0.556 |
419 |
410 |
Lizzie Wirgau |
78 |
0.556 |
420 |
411 |
Ken "Red Whine" Jordan |
78 |
0.540 |
421 |
412 |
Bekah "that girl" Bruner |
78 |
0.540 |
422 |
413 |
Sonny Clair |
78 |
0.540 |
423 |
414 |
Aaron Drone |
78 |
0.508 |
424 |
415 |
Scatterbrain |
77 |
0.587 |
T425 |
T416 |
Where's the Hoop? |
77 |
0.587 |
T425 |
T416 |
Kristin "I'm a good guesser" Detamore |
77 |
0.587 |
427 |
418 |
Caleb Zimmerman |
77 |
0.571 |
428 |
420 |
Ryan "My plumber is a cracketologist" Helton |
77 |
0.556 |
429 |
421 |
Alicia Sadaka |
77 |
0.540 |
430 |
422 |
Bethany "what is ESPN? " Davis |
77 |
0.540 |
431 |
423 |
Jerry Maus |
77 |
0.524 |
432 |
424 |
phil fitzsimons |
77 |
0.492 |
433 |
425 |
Emily Bowen |
77 |
0.476 |
434 |
427 |
Born to Muse HeyInKy |
76 |
0.571 |
435 |
428 |
Weenie Mimi Whiny Mo |
76 |
0.571 |
436 |
429 |
Rick "Dunk 'n GoNuts" Morgan |
76 |
0.571 |
437 |
430 |
Betty "LOBO" Ludlow |
76 |
0.571 |
438 |
431 |
Mr. Right |
76 |
0.556 |
439 |
432 |
Sean Fish |
76 |
0.556 |
440 |
433 |
Gaylon Taylor |
76 |
0.556 |
441 |
434 |
Mike Martynowicz |
76 |
0.524 |
442 |
435 |
Luke "the Lego Man" Muschalik |
76 |
0.476 |
443 |
436 |
Robert "Bad Bob, Good Picks" Tipton |
76 |
0.476 |
444 |
437 |
Richard "Deo et patria" Schrimpf |
76 |
0.444 |
445 |
438 |
Matt "Matt S." S. |
76 |
0.413 |
446 |
439 |
Coen "Thunder" Bauschek |
75 |
0.587 |
447 |
440 |
Ola Depot |
75 |
0.587 |
448 |
441 |
Michal Dawn Watkins |
75 |
0.571 |
449 |
442 |
Larry "Hoosier Daddy & Papaw" Shepherd |
75 |
0.556 |
450 |
443 |
Phil "Wright On Indiana" Wright |
75 |
0.556 |
451 |
444 |
Frank "Too many Randazzos in this pool" Riviera |
75 |
0.540 |
452 |
446 |
Zac McCarter |
75 |
0.492 |
453 |
447 |
Jennifer Drone |
75 |
0.381 |
454 |
448 |
Anthony Spuches |
74 |
0.603 |
455 |
449 |
Corey "I will steal anybody's candy" Davis |
74 |
0.571 |
T456 |
T450 |
Kylie "All I Do Is Win" Kruger |
74 |
0.571 |
T456 |
T450 |
Aunt Toinette |
74 |
0.571 |
458 |
452 |
Tobinator |
74 |
0.556 |
459 |
453 |
Will "Shaquille O'Will" Kraus |
74 |
0.556 |
460 |
454 |
Madison Kiger |
74 |
0.556 |
461 |
455 |
Phil "Lovin' this Wildcat-less March" Stump |
74 |
0.556 |
462 |
456 |
Bob Weber |
74 |
0.556 |
463 |
457 |
Esther Wilson |
74 |
0.540 |
464 |
458 |
Robert Rodstrom |
74 |
0.540 |
465 |
459 |
Dave Moritz |
74 |
0.524 |
466 |
460 |
Rick Hunteman |
74 |
0.508 |
467 |
463 |
Adam "Go Turtle!" Regan |
74 |
0.444 |
468 |
464 |
Tamara Schoder |
73 |
0.603 |
469 |
465 |
Monique "Ain't nobody got time for that" Moss |
73 |
0.587 |
470 |
466 |
Philip Trout |
73 |
0.587 |
471 |
467 |
Ziggy "Sixth Time is the Charm" Kowalski |
73 |
0.587 |
472 |
468 |
Tony Baloney |
73 |
0.556 |
473 |
470 |
Daniel Larusso |
73 |
0.492 |
474 |
471 |
Matt "The HAND that finished 5th in 2008" Hand |
73 |
0.460 |
475 |
472 |
Julia "Pink Terminator" Harper |
73 |
0.444 |
476 |
474 |
Keith Miller |
72 |
0.571 |
477 |
475 |
Teri Wilson |
72 |
0.571 |
478 |
476 |
Karen "Waiting to Be Furloughed" Deaver |
72 |
0.556 |
479 |
477 |
Shawna "Shawnana" Sharpe |
72 |
0.556 |
480 |
478 |
Red Dog |
72 |
0.556 |
481 |
479 |
Zach "Leprechaun Legion" Richardson |
72 |
0.524 |
T482 |
T480 |
Mason "Orange peanut-for me?" Gallmeyer |
72 |
0.524 |
T482 |
T480 |
Roger "HoosierNation" Clark |
72 |
0.524 |
T484 |
T482 |
Isabel "Tater Tot" Snyder |
72 |
0.508 |
T484 |
T482 |
Mike "falling fast with a cheetah on my back" Desch |
72 |
0.508 |
486 |
484 |
Brennan "Pop" Fairchild |
72 |
0.492 |
487 |
485 |
Kerris "THE Kerris Wright" Wright, Sr. |
72 |
0.492 |
488 |
486 |
Jason Sitko |
72 |
0.492 |
489 |
488 |
Dave "Gobble 101" Wilson |
71 |
0.571 |
490 |
489 |
Beth Gilles |
71 |
0.508 |
491 |
490 |
Phil Sadaka |
71 |
0.508 |
492 |
491 |
Eusi "knows nothing about NCAA bb and it shows" Fraser |
71 |
0.492 |
493 |
492 |
Jack "ISLANDLAX13" Harper |
71 |
0.476 |
494 |
493 |
Steve Kirtley |
70 |
0.587 |
495 |
494 |
arcb102000 |
70 |
0.571 |
496 |
495 |
Matt Bauschek |
70 |
0.556 |
497 |
496 |
Pam Glassley |
70 |
0.556 |
498 |
497 |
Kent Frandsen |
70 |
0.540 |
499 |
498 |
Jim Vandre |
70 |
0.540 |
500 |
499 |
Amy Willis |
70 |
0.524 |
T501 |
T500 |
Heather "I <3 Flip Flops" Little |
70 |
0.524 |
T501 |
T500 |
Joan C. |
70 |
0.524 |
503 |
502 |
Audrey "Auggie" Bateson |
70 |
0.524 |
504 |
504 |
Larry |
69 |
0.556 |
505 |
505 |
Sean "Sven Torbenson" Evans |
69 |
0.556 |
T506 |
T506 |
RJ "No Whining, OK maybe a little whining" Wynn |
69 |
0.540 |
T506 |
T506 |
Tony Morales |
69 |
0.540 |
508 |
508 |
Jet Lagged |
69 |
0.540 |
509 |
509 |
Flat-lined on Opening Weekend |
69 |
0.540 |
510 |
510 |
Krista "Once a Buckeye Always a Buckeye" Wright |
69 |
0.508 |
511 |
511 |
Daphne "What's seeds got to do with it" Allender |
69 |
0.492 |
512 |
512 |
Todd "Hammer " Seim |
69 |
0.492 |
513 |
513 |
Olivia "Bubbles" Klinker |
69 |
0.460 |
514 |
514 |
Nicholas "Noodle" Harper |
69 |
0.413 |
515 |
515 |
Haven "Miss.B" Gallmeyer |
68 |
0.571 |
516 |
516 |
Dan "the" Mandara |
68 |
0.571 |
517 |
517 |
TED "Don Q" Palmer |
68 |
0.556 |
518 |
518 |
Stratton "Girls just wanna have fun" Smith |
68 |
0.556 |
519 |
519 |
Anderson "I'm the second pooter on the gassy knoll" Cooper |
68 |
0.540 |
520 |
520 |
Kevin Wilson |
68 |
0.524 |
521 |
521 |
Retirement Plan |
68 |
0.508 |
522 |
522 |
Lucy "Lu" Davis |
68 |
0.492 |
523 |
523 |
Julie Jarrell |
68 |
0.492 |
524 |
524 |
Jamie "Hoosier Mama" Fairchild |
68 |
0.444 |
525 |
525 |
Doug "Eightball" Meyer |
67 |
0.571 |
526 |
526 |
Braden Murray |
67 |
0.540 |
527 |
527 |
jeff dahl |
67 |
0.524 |
528 |
528 |
Eric Kahle |
67 |
0.508 |
529 |
529 |
Linda Stickney |
67 |
0.476 |
530 |
530 |
Matthew "random guy who happens to rock at bball" Muschalik |
67 |
0.476 |
531 |
531 |
Emri-Kate "EK-pepperoni pizza" Detamore |
67 |
0.413 |
532 |
532 |
Mary Mandara |
66 |
0.603 |
533 |
533 |
Kathy "Last in my family. Every year." Deaver |
66 |
0.571 |
534 |
534 |
Dennis "Daman" Harman |
66 |
0.571 |
T535 |
T535 |
Nancy Bowman |
66 |
0.556 |
T535 |
T535 |
Wyatt "Zombie Killer" Boswell |
66 |
0.556 |
537 |
537 |
Patrick Renier |
66 |
0.540 |
538 |
538 |
Sarah Gillig |
66 |
0.524 |
539 |
539 |
france mckone |
66 |
0.524 |
540 |
540 |
J Felton |
66 |
0.508 |
T541 |
T541 |
Mrs. Aaron Craft |
66 |
0.508 |
T541 |
T541 |
wut? i spel wurds lack deir supoze too b |
66 |
0.508 |
543 |
543 |
Lindsey Fish |
66 |
0.508 |
544 |
544 |
Kathleen "May the Best K Win!" Kraus |
66 |
0.476 |
545 |
545 |
Cason "The Bhoy" DiIulio |
66 |
0.460 |
546 |
546 |
Lauren Hooley |
65 |
0.603 |
547 |
547 |
Daniel "From IN to OH" Labbato |
65 |
0.571 |
548 |
548 |
George "g-squared" Good |
65 |
0.556 |
549 |
549 |
Ginnie |
65 |
0.540 |
550 |
550 |
Christy Bowen |
65 |
0.540 |
551 |
551 |
Chesapeake "Without an I Pad" Fairchild |
65 |
0.508 |
552 |
552 |
Bob "beaten favorite" Huppert |
64 |
0.587 |
553 |
553 |
Basketball is over, it's softball season |
64 |
0.587 |
554 |
554 |
Lexi "Is Awesome" Fair |
64 |
0.587 |
555 |
555 |
Yardley "My 4 year old is beating me" Glassley |
64 |
0.571 |
556 |
556 |
Amy Dailey |
64 |
0.571 |
557 |
557 |
Mike Grine |
64 |
0.556 |
558 |
558 |
Candace Hobbs |
64 |
0.556 |
559 |
559 |
Ken Jr Vandre |
64 |
0.540 |
560 |
560 |
Sammy Salvo-Tebow Randazzo |
64 |
0.540 |
561 |
561 |
Cody "Llama Man" Boswell |
64 |
0.540 |
562 |
562 |
Spencer "Purdue46" Ricks |
64 |
0.508 |
563 |
563 |
Jan Schröder |
64 |
0.508 |
564 |
564 |
Bill Bailey |
64 |
0.508 |
565 |
565 |
Penny "I'll TEACH You" Inskeep |
64 |
0.492 |
566 |
566 |
Brian "in bracket mortuus est" Pettitt |
64 |
0.460 |
567 |
567 |
Jordan "I'm not good at this" Wise |
63 |
0.556 |
568 |
568 |
Ducati |
63 |
0.540 |
569 |
569 |
Juan Botha |
63 |
0.540 |
570 |
570 |
Where are my Boilers? |
63 |
0.524 |
571 |
571 |
Club Trill |
63 |
0.508 |
572 |
572 |
Rylee "Been there done that" Gallmeyer |
62 |
0.603 |
573 |
573 |
Natalie "You know you love me" Harper |
62 |
0.587 |
574 |
574 |
Kristin "March Madness by John Philip Sousa" Schafer |
62 |
0.556 |
575 |
575 |
Joshua Vandre |
62 |
0.556 |
576 |
576 |
Giuseppe "Gfunk" DiIulio |
62 |
0.540 |
577 |
577 |
Alyssa "Shooting for threes" Regan |
62 |
0.476 |
578 |
578 |
The official UN rep |
62 |
0.460 |
579 |
579 |
Melody "Mo & Mo Madness" Darnall |
61 |
0.556 |
580 |
580 |
Ashley Morales |
61 |
0.540 |
581 |
581 |
Mike "The Pennsylvania Hoosier" Baines |
61 |
0.540 |
582 |
582 |
mark cox |
61 |
0.524 |
583 |
583 |
Jon "What does 'Boiler Up' mean?" Blair |
61 |
0.524 |
584 |
584 |
Ryanne "I hope I'm a good guesser" Wise |
61 |
0.476 |
585 |
585 |
Shelly Schrimpf |
61 |
0.476 |
586 |
586 |
Austin Hillman |
61 |
0.476 |
587 |
587 |
Kyle "Buddy" Klinker |
61 |
0.429 |
T588 |
T588 |
Rebekah Badgley |
60 |
0.587 |
T588 |
T588 |
Cyrus "The Hamburger" Schafer |
60 |
0.587 |
590 |
590 |
Kim "Yellow Bellied Marmot" Livingston |
60 |
0.571 |
591 |
591 |
Randy Garmatter |
60 |
0.571 |
592 |
592 |
Eric "red flames" Gruss |
60 |
0.524 |
593 |
593 |
kristen "kristalbelle" davis |
60 |
0.508 |
594 |
594 |
Charlie Hillman |
60 |
0.508 |
595 |
595 |
Amanda Davis |
60 |
0.492 |
596 |
596 |
Patrick Kumpf |
60 |
0.460 |
597 |
597 |
Octavio Gomez |
59 |
0.587 |
598 |
598 |
neonpicks |
59 |
0.587 |
599 |
599 |
Steve Glassley |
59 |
0.571 |
600 |
600 |
Nicholas "I used a dartboard" Kusiak |
59 |
0.540 |
601 |
601 |
Dave "Well, at least we beat Carolina -- twice" Hostler |
59 |
0.508 |
602 |
602 |
Zach "Barnesy" Barnes |
59 |
0.492 |
603 |
603 |
Garrison "Harlem Shakes because its scared of ME!" Cooper |
59 |
0.476 |
604 |
604 |
Allison Renier |
58 |
0.587 |
T605 |
T605 |
Teresa Gschwind |
58 |
0.524 |
T605 |
T605 |
Calvin Grimes |
58 |
0.524 |
607 |
607 |
WVUfan23 |
58 |
0.524 |
608 |
608 |
Wyld Stallyn |
58 |
0.508 |
609 |
609 |
Lori "Si for President Club President!" Boswell |
58 |
0.508 |
610 |
610 |
Yardyeti |
58 |
0.508 |
611 |
611 |
Joanna Snyder |
58 |
0.460 |
612 |
612 |
Nikki Hobensack |
57 |
0.524 |
613 |
613 |
LarryT |
57 |
0.508 |
614 |
614 |
Richard Stickney |
57 |
0.476 |
615 |
615 |
Austin Stickney |
57 |
0.460 |
616 |
616 |
Donna "Nana Hoosier" Jenkins |
56 |
0.524 |
617 |
617 |
Brody "Shane Larkin" Shea |
56 |
0.524 |
618 |
618 |
Kurt Emmert |
56 |
0.524 |
619 |
619 |
Dad "Its been fun" dy 'O |
56 |
0.508 |
620 |
620 |
Luke " best choice" Shannon |
56 |
0.492 |
621 |
621 |
Oskee Wow BAM! |
56 |
0.492 |
622 |
622 |
Dawn "OICURSB2?" Lamb |
56 |
0.476 |
T623 |
T623 |
Clay "soccer" Labbato |
55 |
0.540 |
T623 |
T623 |
Michelle Schroeder |
55 |
0.540 |
625 |
625 |
Rod Randall |
55 |
0.524 |
626 |
626 |
Angie Davis |
55 |
0.508 |
627 |
627 |
Trevor Norcross |
55 |
0.508 |
628 |
628 |
The Dark Knight Sinking |
54 |
0.540 |
629 |
629 |
Caleb "The Kid" Davis |
54 |
0.524 |
630 |
630 |
Luke "Turtle" Bateson |
54 |
0.508 |
631 |
631 |
Julie Wilson |
54 |
0.476 |
632 |
632 |
Brian Boyle |
53 |
0.524 |
633 |
633 |
benjamin ott |
53 |
0.508 |
634 |
634 |
mlbstl |
53 |
0.444 |
635 |
635 |
Wyatt "Made in the USA" Sprague |
53 |
0.429 |
636 |
636 |
thebeast |
52 |
0.540 |
637 |
637 |
Tim Darnall |
52 |
0.508 |
638 |
638 |
Sam "Tony Satchmo" Wright |
52 |
0.476 |
639 |
639 |
Bronson Hillman |
52 |
0.444 |
640 |
640 |
David Vandre |
52 |
0.444 |
641 |
641 |
coda snyder |
52 |
0.429 |
642 |
642 |
victorious secret |
51 |
0.540 |
643 |
643 |
Emily Ott |
51 |
0.524 |
644 |
644 |
dstrole |
51 |
0.492 |
645 |
645 |
Thomas "Basketballz ier" Vessely |
50 |
0.540 |
646 |
646 |
Ryleigh "ryebread16" Lamb |
50 |
0.524 |
647 |
647 |
Lynn Scofield |
50 |
0.492 |
648 |
648 |
Brian McBride |
50 |
0.492 |
649 |
649 |
Scott "Bower Rangers" Bower |
50 |
0.476 |
650 |
650 |
Andy "My wife and my mom are kicking my tail?" Hobensack |
50 |
0.476 |
651 |
651 |
Chris "Man i better get a trophy when i win" Rose |
50 |
0.444 |
652 |
652 |
Rose Scofield |
49 |
0.524 |
653 |
653 |
Nick Miller |
48 |
0.444 |
654 |
654 |
Roger "Papabees" Rexroad |
47 |
0.460 |
655 |
655 |
Brent "Picking Like Prime" Bolin |
47 |
0.444 |
656 |
656 |
Clay Rexroad |
46 |
0.508 |
657 |
657 |
45 |
0.444 |
658 |
658 |
Steve Porter |
43 |
0.476 |
659 |
659 |
Steve Blevins |
42 |
0.476 |
660 |
660 |
Laura Harman |
39 |
0.429 |
661 |
660 |
Nicholette "haven't a clue" Fraser |
39 |
0.349 |